Mental DietMental Diet

MENTAL DIET: How To Make Your Words Count (Part 3)

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“Talk the way you would like to be and you will be the way you talk”


Cease to talk the way things are but rather seize to talk the way you would like them to be.

Call forth…to bring forth…


  • Cease confessing “I can’t” and you will seize the “I can” and “I will” mentality that will create the reality of possibilities.
  • Cease confessing “lack” and you will seize the abundance consciousness that will create and attract surplus as your reality.
  • Cease confessing “fear” and you will seize the faith that will make you live without limits – an unstoppable life.
  • Cease confessing “doubt” and you will seize to become what you believe.
  • Cease confessing “weakness” and you will seize the strength to start well and finish strong.
  • Cease confessing “defeat” and you will seize gaining victories.
  • Cease confessing “lack of wisdom” and you will seize opportunities to gain insight and understanding.
  • Cease confessing “sickness” and you will seize the health consciousness that attracts sound health.
  • Cease confessing “worries and frustration” and you will seize the freedom of peace to live one day at a time while maximizing the moment.
  • Cease confessing “bondage”  and you will seize the freedom to become all that you were created to be.
  •  Cease confessing “condemnation” and you will seize the freedom from the past to create a new beginning.
  • Cease confessing “loneliness” and you will seize the consciousness of God’s presence and attract the right person or association.
  • Cease confessing “bad luck and curses” and you will seize the opportunities to create your good luck and engage in actions that attract blessings.
  • Cease confessing “discontent” and you will seize to be content with who you are and with what you have while growing to become more, do more, and have more in order to give more.
  • Cease confessing “unworthiness” and receive the forgiveness that God offers and you will seize the grace to become worthy.
  • Cease confessing the “fear of the future” and you will seize to create the future of your dreams.
  • Cease confessing “troubles” and you will seize the right words, the right conduct, and the right associations that keep away troubles.
  • Cease from “sin consciousness” and you will seize to develop the righteousness consciousness that produces impeccable behavior.
  • Cease confessing “negativity” and you will seize to affirm only positivity and possibilities, transforming your life into a masterpiece.
  • Cease consulting your feelings and circumstances to determine what you say rather seize affirming what you want to see manifest in your life, it makes no difference how you feel or what your circumstances suggest.  

When there is a mixture of two confessions – the positive and negative confession there will be confusion which leads to the diffusion of positivity and the repel of the flow of good.

When you order your conversations and conduct them accordingly in alignment with the principles of success, you organize and optimize yourself to succeed maximally.


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