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The journey of life is designed to be a journey of growth, unfoldment, and expansion. A journey of re-inventing of self to gain true expression of the essence of your inestimable value.


Re-inventing yourself means:

  • Re-constructing and remodeling our lives to become a model of excellence.
  • Rescripting our mental chambers to become a jurisdiction of power is required to effect positive changes in our lives and the affairs of life.
  •  The power to alter the narrative of our life story and alter the course of human destiny.
  •  Heeding to destiny’s call to draw out from within the best version of your personality and leave a unique imprint on the document of destiny.
  • Developing of self and the enveloping of self with an ever-increasing level of consciousness that elevates destiny to its ever-heightening peak of significance.

Let’s take an exclusive view into the life of Benjamin Franklin who epitomized a life of personal growth, unfoldment, and expansion in order to manifest his true essence to give the world an exclusive gift of enduring and enriching value that is inclusive for everyone.

Let’s begin the journey:

One of seventeen children, Benjamin Franklin had only two years of formal education. He was largely self-educated.


Formal education can make you make a living; self-education enables you to make a life. Formal education explores the limited scope of the syllabus; Self-education propels you to explore the unlimited horizon of the mind. Formal education is a drive for competition; self-education is a drive for self-expansion. Formal education is weighed on the scale of grades- letters; Self-education is weighed on the scale of love- love for personal growth and development.  Self-education will make you become an indispensable asset to the world.


Get a formal education if you can nonetheless engage in a lifetime of consistent practice of self-education which will elevate your value to an all-time high and attract fortunes to your destiny.



With only two years of formal education but with a lifetime and lifestyle of self-education Benjamin Franklin became a prolific writer, inventor, and student. He was popularly known as a leader and public-service innovator.

  • Benjamin Franklin helped establish the first public library in North America, a police force, a volunteer fire department, a hospital, the first garbage collection service, and an academy that became the University of Pennsylvania.
  • He learned French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Latin and invented the bifocals, the gliding rocking chair amongst others.
  • He helped draft the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.
  • He helped negotiate peace with England at the end of the Revolution.
  • He became the first United States ambassador to France.
  • In the 1780s, he was called to help draft the U.S. Constitution.


Benjamin Franklin was all caught up in self-improvement and he made character development his focus. In fact, he set up a program to perfect his character.

Below are his clearly defined and specifically defined objectives in his own words:

It was about this time (1728) that I conceived the bold arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time. I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company would lead me into. As I knew or thought I knew, what was right or wrong.

I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other. But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined. While my care was employed to guard against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason.

I concluded, at length, that the interest to be completely virtuous was not sufficient to prevent our slipping; and that the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct.”



Every wrong conduct or action is a product of wrong beliefs. Right believing results in right living. Invariably, when we change our beliefs we break the wrong addictive pattern, one thought at a time, and change our life.

We don’t battle with the behavior rather we align our thoughts with the virtues we want to live by and play the right mental movies of the kind of person we want to be. Remember, the mind is the battlefield, when you win in your mind you win in life. 

In every situation and choice you want to make ask yourself,  “What would Jesus do”. Imitate Jesus, copy Him and you will live an ever-expansive and increasing life of influence to the highest degree.


An honest evaluation of self is worth a lifetime of struggle. As Socrates rightly states. “An unexamined life is not worth living”. A life void of honest self-evaluation is a life with diminishing value.

You must recognize that “being” precedes “doing” and “having” if you must experience a life of consistent growth, unfoldment, and expansion. Unless you work from the inside out your work will never have enduring and enriching value.  

Therefore, focus on your “being” and you will gain the power to do and also have what it takes to live life to the fullest and consequently, your life becomes a fountain of blessing to people to the fullest.

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