- Work is here to stay and we must be aware of our responsibility to be efficient at it in order to work smarter.
- The road to productivity is paved with the organization that makes for effectiveness.
- Get your tools (whatever you use to help accomplish your goals) set to set up yourself for success.
- Equip yourself with the best tools available to accomplish the best attainable result.
- Organize your workplace to accelerate your work pace.
- Put off non-essential items from your workspace and you will put off distractions.
- When you unclutter your workspace you unclutter your mind.
- A comfortable work environment breeds comfort and forges high performance which makes for high levels of productivity.
- A stacked desk lags performance.
- Work on your top priority item and give it a top-notch performance, completing it and then moving on to the next thing.
- Concentrating your efforts is your ability to ignite your power for accomplishments.
- Put aside office politics, gossip, time-wasting, and socializing, and put absolute focus on dedicated work continuously improving on your best efforts.
- Unsolicited report that illicit greater effectiveness and efficiency results in unsolicited promotion and reward.