SUPERCHARGED: How To Make The Sales (Part 2)
- When you know your self-worth you don’t lose your confidence when you lose a sale.
- Testimonials are marketing “kits” for growing your customers base.
- A winning self-image is the fundamental principle for a winning sales presentation.
- Your credibility is your eligibility in making the sale.
- In making the sale the customer’s perception is vital.
- The trust bond you have with your customers will determine the bond of loyalty they will have towards you.
- Your ability to ask good questions in order to identify needs is your ability to gain clarity in satisfying your customers needs.
- You never make the sale when you lose the facial makeover of a smile that overflows from within.
- You must have a good time meeting people if you must have a good time making the sale.
- High quality relationship with your customers or clients leads to high customers or clients retention.