
INSCRIPTION: The Power of Moral Conviction

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“People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically or more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day, I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”

  • Rosa  Parks.

Moral force is the greatest force to reckon with in the world. It can never be subjugated to the demeaning forces of life but rather rises to rule with dignity and exposes the frailties of the demeaning forces of life.

The condition of life gives way to the strength of conviction and when the strength of conviction is founded on moral force the conditions of life evolve into sustainable realities of successful conditions of life.

History is not always made through extraordinary feats of accomplishments but rather history is made by an extraordinary resolve to stand for something and not give in to compromise no matter the consequence. History is made by the seemingly “little” actions or actions that elevate humanity. Yes! History is the reserve of those who are courageous enough to face the opposition and still live by a higher standard.

Who would have thought that the radical refusal of a woman to give up her seat in a segregated bus could ignite a civil rights movement and revolutionize the course of history in America spreading to the world?

History is never made by living according to the status quo but rather by living for a worthwhile cause. History is never made by doing what everybody else is doing but rather history is made by doing according to the leading of your heart. History is not made by those who are crowd-driven but rather history is made by those who are value-driven.

History is not made by people who seek the approval of the crowd but rather history is made by those who seek the approval of their moral conscience. History is not made by those who are afraid of men but rather history is made by those who have the reverential fear of God. History is not made by those who are afraid of consequences when their actions are right but rather history is made by those who are courageous to act despite the consequences.

History is not made by those who seek fame but rather history is made by those who seek an honorable name. History is not made by those who live a life of convenience but rather history is made by those who live a life of sacrifice. History is not made by those who live by any standard available but rather history is made by the highest standard possible.


History makers are transition people who lead their families; communities; states; a nation and the world to a radical transformation from the past to the epic of the future; from their history into their destiny. They change the culture and inspire generations.

History is not made by the elite class but rather history is made by the heroic class. History is not made by those who live for themselves but history is made by those who live beyond themselves. History is not made by those who live in their memories but rather history is made by those who live from their imagination. History is not made by those who hold onto the past but rather history is made by those who seize the future and maximize the present.

History is not made by people who devalue and oppress lives but rather history is made by those who highly esteem all people, seeking justice for the oppressed; becoming a voice for the voiceless, and being a helper to the helpless.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus in Montgomery where segregation was prevalent, her defiant action led to her arrest.  One event led to another and the civil rights movement began that has forever changed the course of history for African Americans as a whole and the world at large.

Time magazine named Rosa Parks one of the one hundred most significant people of the twentieth century.

“Rosa Parks worked with me for twelve years prior to this…she was secretary of everything I had going…she was honest, she was clean, she had integrity. The press couldn’t go out and dig something she did last year or last month or five years ago. They couldn’t hang anything like that on Rosa Parks.”

  • E.D.NIXON              

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