
INSCRIPTION: How To Become Rich From The Inside-Out

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“I know Farrah Gray and we have discussed his future. His motivation determines what he will do. His attitude determines how well he will succeed at making a difference”

Former President Bill Clinton.

Life could be likened to a movie in which we get on the world stage to play our part within a specific time frame on the timeline of life.

The more inspiring, captivating, exciting, and thrilling the storylines, the more highly rated and valuable the movie becomes. As it is with all movies; it can be inspiring or it can demeaning; it can be an example or it can be a warning; it can be a tragedy or it can be a comedy.

Whatever the storyline of your life movie is, one thing is certain, you are the director of the movie which implies you are absolutely responsible for the direction and the quality of your life.

I introduce to you a real-life storyline that eclipses a life from an ordinary birth to an extraordinary accomplishment; from a deprived background to an inspiring frontline; from abject poverty to abundance; from a crime-infested neighborhood to someone who is changing the world, one day at a time and in one lifetime.



At the age of six, the youngster formed the habit of daydreaming; he would imagine what he desired for his family; he would dream of igniting audiences of millions of people with great speeches; he was all about possibilities with no iota of lack or negativity in his mind. The dream dominated his thoughts. The youngster made his imagination to serve him.

If we could only take up the childlike beliefs of one who knows no limits and believes anything – and everything is possible, we would radically elevate our lives and daily maximize our destinies.

Never let the suppressing influence of the environment and the hurt of past experiences erect a stronghold of doubt,  fear, and unbelief in your mind which only leads to the dungeon of mediocrity and failure.

Break free and stir up the kid in you in regards to the propensity to believe so that the king in you can rise and take his place in the domain of life.

Remember, you are not limited by your background or circumstances; you are only limited by the size of your imagination.

Farrah Gray was raised in the inner city where youngsters do drugs and become gangsters; shooting and killing were the norm.

The place where you live does not have to determine the way you live.  Mentally rise above your environment and you will live above and beyond your environment.

Raised by a single mother but with lots of love, discipline, and motivation in a poverty-stricken environment; having a mind filled with unlimited possibilities.

“I realize the tremendous power parents and guardians have over their children’s legacies simply by the words they choose to speak. Had my family showered me with negative and unaffirming sentiments my life would be drastically different today”.

  • Farrah Gray.

How you raise your children determines the emotions that rise within them. The words you speak to your children frame their inner world which creates their outer world.

What your children observe you do, subconsciously imprints on their minds and informs them how they should act in varied situations. Invariably, your children mirror your attitude.


At the age of 16 Farrah Gray transitioned from a millionaire to becoming a reallionaire.

Reallionaire – someone who has discovered that there is more to money than having money. A person who understands that success is not just about being rich in your pocket; you have to be rich on the inside, too.

Reallionaire – someone who pursues his or her passion with authenticity, sincerity, and honesty.

  • Farrah Gray.

Here is Farrah Gray’sTrailblazing Success

  • Born on September 9, 1984
  • History’s youngest self-made millionaire at the age of 14
  • The youngest person to have an office on Wall Street and the youngest to receive an honorary degree.
  • Sold homemade body lotion at the age of 6.
  • He was carrying business cards reading “21st Century CEO” at the age of 7.
  • Became co-founder of Urban Neighborhood Enterprise Club (U.N.E.E.C) on Chicago’s Southside at the age of 8.
  • At the age of 10, he suffered his first major setback.
  • At the age of 11, he was co-hosting a national radio simulcast.
  • Founded and operated business ventures that included KIDZTELpre-paid phone cards, the One Stop Mall Boxes & More franchise, and The Teenscope “Youth AM/FM” interactive teen talk show between the ages of 12 and 16.
  • Also became the Executive Producer of a comedy show on the Las Vegas Strip and owner of Farr-Out Foods. Farr-Out Foods generated orders exceeding $1.5 million.
  • Reached twelve million listeners and viewers every Saturday night as co-host of “Backstage Live,” a syndicated television and radio simulcast in Las Vegas.
  • At the age of 27, he had achieved more than most people achieve in a lifetime.
  • Founded the Farrah Gray Foundation which focuses on innercity, community-based entrepreneurship education and provides scholarship and grant assistance for students from at-risk backgrounds to attend HBCUs (Historical Black Colleges and Universities).
  • His estimated networth in 2019 – $2million.


Farrah Gray; is a best-selling author, a syndicated columnist, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and philanthropist. Dr. Farrah Gray was named one of the most influential black men in America by the National Urban League’s Urban Influence magazine. Ebony Magazine recognized him as an entrepreneurial icon, business mogul, and bestselling author.

At the age of 14, Farrah Gray became a millionaire. At the age of 21, he received an Honorary Doctorate degree in Human Letters from Allen University.  This was a special recognition of his ingenious economic mind and distinguished commitment to the development of values such as leadership, integrity, and scholarship. In his rise from poverty to national and international prominence as an entrepreneurial icon and an outstanding speaker.

Dr. Farrah Gray is the CEO of Farrah Gray Publishing which is distributed by HCI Books, which published the world’s most famous #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Guinness Book of World Records; bestselling chicken soup for the Soul series.

Dr. Gray addresses more than half a million people per year on leadership, personal development, diversity, strategic planning, creativity, business development, and financial management.

Indeed this singular life has impacted millions of lives around the world and still counting.

This is your time and moment to radically change your life from the inside-out so that you can change the world beginning from where you are, one day at a time and in one lifetime – becoming a Reallionaire.

Yes! You can. Yes! You will.

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