SUPERCHARGED: How To Think Strategically (Part 2)
Thinking strategically produces a dynamic life of great success.
- No goals, no guts; no personal growth, no real gain
- Coincidences are incidences that follow deliberate choices.
- Any thought you emotionalize you will materialize.
- Concentrated thoughts produce an emotionalized mind and an emotionalized mind produces actualized desires.
- To clarify your thoughts, identify what you want and dwell on it.
- The clearer you are about what you want the closer you are at attaining it.
- Clear goals imply envisioning it as real. Knowing what you want is the first step to recognizing what you want.
- You either create your own dream list or you settle for a wish list – a dream list will spur you into action but a wish list will bore you into inertia.
- Haphazard thoughts produce a hazardous life. The journey of life is a voyage of discovery.
- Confusion about goals leads to the diffusion of desire and fusion with failure.
- When you are unable to decide exactly what you want you decline in settling for what you don’t want and accepting it as your lot.
- Your current situation is exactly what you need to get you to your ultimate destination if you maximize the opportunity for personal growth and development embedded in it.
- The shortest route to a failing life is having no clear sense of meaning or purpose in life.
- Written plans and blueprints create beaten paths and imprints.
- Successes are scheduled events that are the product of daily worked-out action plans.
- Your frame of mind shapes the framework of your life.
- What you believe in will determine the reality you attract.
- The values you uphold will determine the kind and quality of value you create for others.
- Clarity of purpose breeds confidence in its attainment and confidence makes you unstoppable.
- What you stand for will determine the strength and resilience of your destiny.
- What you don’t stand for will determine what you cannot be governed by.
Life begins from your inner core.