- To habitually practice loving people you must bridge the gap between what you say and what you do.
- To operate in the reality of love you must reach out to hurting people.
- If you listen to people long enough you will know their needs and if you care for people long enough you will meet their needs in whatever way you can and however you can.
- You must interrupt your plans for a while to interact with people on the basis of love.
- Habitually notice people who usually aren’t noticed, appreciate them for who they are and what they do and be mindful to be a blessing.
- Be courteous with people; never take anyone for granted lest your relationships be grounded.
- Be good mannered at all times and you will enjoy a good manner of life.
- Use your gifts; abilities and talents for the benefit of others periodically without gain and you overcome the pain of selfish living.
- Real living is giving your life away on the basis of love.
- Never make others feel belittled lest your destiny be deleted.
- Help others feel good about them and you help yourself feel good about having lived.