SUPERCHARGED: How To Become A Person Of Influence
- Moral breakdown leads to influence crackdown.
- To have power with people you must have power over yourself that’s the pathway to sustained influence.
- To usurp power over people, you are powerless over self-that’s the sure gauge of self-sabotaging influence.
- Never strike out the powerless, they can strike out and make a difference in ways that transcends a life time.
- The freedom to choose your actions is the power to influence your world.
- Victim mentality erodes influence.
- The “Why me?” consciousness breeds powerlessness; the “What can I do to turn this around?” and “how can I do it?” consciousness empowers you to produce changes which creates influence.
- Never be immobilized by tragedy rather be stirred up to mobilize and create a whole new contribution to life and your influence will be birthed.
- A paradigm shift is pre-requisite into the influence parade.
- A higher perspective is the entry point to a higher level of influence.
- A demeaning workplace produces a diminishing work force.
- In your management arsenal, discipline as a tool produces disciplined employees that create quality results; punishment as a weapon produces fearful employees that hands out compliant based results in the short-term and sabotaging the long-term profitability of the team.