
GET SUPERCHARGED: How To Live In Your Destiny

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Keep your past mistakes out of view, and keep who you are committed to be always in view lest your destiny be lost in view.

Dance to the rhythm of your destiny and destroy the old recordings of your history that limit the way you think about yourself.

A new pattern of behavior is made possible by changing the way you think about yourself rather than behavioral modification.

You never make headway in life until you get out of your own way.

Your background doesn’t determine your future but your makeup.

When you are yourself, you are your best, but when you try to be like another, your value depreciates.

The way you see God determines the way you live.

You never know your worth when you give in to mediocrity.

The loss of identity is the most tragic loss of life.


Nothing is more demeaning than a battered self-image.

Undermining someone else’s ability, intelligence and appearance only leaves your self-esteem inflicted.

Your approach to dealing with the most difficult issues will be a reflection of the stuff your personality is made up of.

How you respond to adversity and rejection reflects the way you consistently see yourself, and this determines your outcome in life.

When you are ignorant of your identity, you lose relevance on the earth.

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