
SUPERCHARGED: The Power Of The Seed

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It’s a puzzle at the realization that a tiny little seed like an acorn seed can grow to become a mighty oak tree. In essence, the mighty oak tree is trapped inside a tiny little seed but it takes the little acorn seed to grow to become a mighty oak tree.

Who can fathom the number of fruits or yields embedded in a tiny little seed? It is amazingly mind-blowing.

However, seeds do not automatically grow to “become”. Certain principles must be initiated or applied such as the Principle of Sowing.

Oh Yes! The seed must be planted in the right soil or environment with adequate nourishment to grow to reach its full potential.

Want to share some nuggets on The Power of the Seed and its significance in your life.

  • You don’t go to your future; you grow into the future because your future is trapped inside you; in essence, The Future is Now.
  • Everything you were created to be and do is already inside of you as a seed – It is called Potential.
  • Every seed is dormant until it is released. Every seed does no good to anybody until it is released.
  • The seed is released when certain principles are initiated or applied. Just like the seed(sperm) in the man lives dormant until it is released into the woman through the principle of sexual intercourse. So, it applies.
  • However, the seed (potential) would not be able to manifest until it is nurtured and growth takes place, so the seed remains inside you until it is nurtured to grow and give birth or released to the world.
  •  In essence, your value to the world or contribution to life will depend on you to search out and apply or align yourself with certain principles that cause you to grow and evolve to release and maximize your potential.
  • Everything you will ever require or need to maximize your destiny is trapped inside you awaiting your realization and growing into manifestation. You must become more to do more and give more to the world beginning from where you are.

Principles are the Equalizers of All Men and Women in the domain of life.


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