
SUPERCHARGED: The Fundamentals of Transformational Communication

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When Nelson Mandela said, “I am the freedom and the freedom is me” that irrevocable declaration set ablaze the pangs of apartheid. When Martin Luther King Jr. said “I have a dream” those immortal words pierced through the horrors of segregation. When Mahatma Gandhi refused to pay the bail money and said “I haven’t committed any offense and therefore, I can’t pay any money to bail myself,” that burning determination stirred up the offshoot of India’s independence.

These were not mere words crafted to communicate a message, if they were it could have lost significance even from the moment they were spoken.  No! these were not empty words but Power-packed words because these men lived their message. They did not just have or communicate a message; their lives reflected it. In essence, they were the message.

The men mentioned above have long passed on but their words still live on and are just as impactful as it was when they were first communicated.

The foundation of transformational communication is Believability, credibility, and authenticity. If you speak words you do not live you only leave the impression of falsity in the minds of people.  Authenticity validates your message.

Communication begins with you, extends to your message, and expands to your audience.

The 3 Vital Connections of Communication

  1. Connect with Yourself:
  2. Connect with Your Message
  3. Connect with Your Audience
  1. Connect with Yourself:

You cannot connect with that which you don’t know. You cannot connect with that which you do not accept. You cannot connect with that which you do not like.

Communication is about connecting with another or your audience to add value to another. However, to connect with another you must first of all connect with yourself.

To connect with yourself you must find yourself, know yourself, accept yourself, be yourself, improve yourself, love yourself, and become comfortable with yourself. In essence, you must have a healthy relationship with yourself before you connect with others and have a healthy relationship with them.


Connecting with yourself is vital because communication is about sharing yourself and people must buy into your person if you want to make a long-term impression of value in their hearts.

When you are real people will like you for real and it is better to be disliked for being real than to be disliked for being phony.

  • Authenticity gives you the audacity to share yourself with others.
  • Authenticity unveils your originality to deliver your message in your unique way and style.
  • To be congruent you must be consistent. Consistency builds believability.

You lose your audience when you lose credibility.

  • Connect with Your Message:

You’ve got to connect with your message if you want your message to have an impact on your audience.

Do you teach what you believe? Do you behave or practice what you say you believe?

Until you are living out your message your message becomes a mess in people’s minds.  What you do not practice you have no moral authority to teach. Before your message is set for delivery make sure you’ve set the example.

If your message does not inspire you it cannot inspire others. If your message does not change you it cannot change others no matter how good the message is. If your message hasn’t yielded value to you, you will be unable to help others.

Whether written or spoken, words carry the energy of the writer or speaker because nothing can happen through you unless it first happens in you.

Until you connect with your message your audience will disconnect from you and your message.

3 Ways of Connecting with Your Message

  1. Your Thoughts:

You must know your message – Adequate knowledge is key.

2. Your Feeling:

You must be passionate about your message. Your message must flow from the place of conviction.

3. Your Action:

You must practice what you teach. You must be a model of your message if you want your message to have value in the minds of your audience. Remember, your audience isn’t looking out for perfection but sincerity in modeling what you teach – write or say. However, it’s your responsibility to practice until you gain mastery of your message.

2. Connect with Your audience:

There are 3 vital questions in your audience’s mind and if you can satisfactorily meet or offer the answers then your audience will connect with you, and your message when the connection is in place you can influence your audience and they will be willing to receive or accept your value.

The 3 Vital Questions in Your Audience’s Mind

  1. Can I Trust You?

You must be trustworthy – Worthy to be trusted that you are honest and sincere with your audience.

2. Do You Care for Me?

Are you a speaker or a writer with a self-serving agenda? Is your motive to be famous? To promote your business? To advance your career? Are you trying to use your audience to get what you want without really caring for them? Or do you seek your audience’s highest good and really want to help them with your value? In essence. Do you genuinely care and want to help your audience?   

3. Can You Help Me?

You must love what you do and do what you love. In essence, you must keep raising the level of your competence to its ever-heightening peak.

 A high level of competence with moral excellence makes you relevant and sought after.

3. Know Your Audience:

You must know your audience to be able to deliver value that meets the needs of your audience.

Tailor- Make your message or content to help solve your audience’s specific deepest pain point, achieve their grandest dreams, or improve their lives in some way.

  • When you love your audience, your audience will love you.
  • When you genuinely care for your audience and want to help them your audience will care to listen to you and desire your influence.
  • When you are competent and satisfactorily help and even amaze your audience, they will seek more of your value.
  •  When you possess moral authority then your audience will not just desire you because of what you offer them but also for who you are and what you’ve done over time. This is credibility at its best and it takes time and consistency to build.

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