
SPERCHARGED! How To Live Abundantly

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Do you believe that there is more than enough to go around? Or do you think it’s barely enough or not enough? Do you believe in abundance as the reality of life? Or do you believe in scarcity as the condition of life? Do you believe in competition as a way of life? Or do you believe in collaboration as the way to progress?

How you think is just as important as what you think. The choice to either think abundance or scarcity will affect every other choice which will determine the quality of your life.

The voice of abundance speaks confidently. “There’s more than enough”. The voice of scarcity screams, “Look out for only yourself, get what you want before it runs out”. Abundance says, “Step out and you will find resources”. Scarcity shouts, “Play it safe and hold onto what you have because resources are limited”. Abundance audaciously affirms, “Greater years are ahead of you” Scarcity fearfully exclaims, “The good days are behind”

Abundance reiterates, “There’s more than enough resources; there’s more than enough ideas; there’s more than enough of life elevations; there’s more than enough credit – Your surplus does not stop or affect the flow of my surplus.

You either tune into the voice of abundance in your heart or you follow the voice of scarcity between your ears. – whatever voice you follow charts the course of your life and determine the experiences and outcome of your life.


  • Limiting: Afraid and unprepared to take up new opportunities.
  • Easy: You do nothing and consequently, go nowhere – living a passive state of life.
  • Comfortable: Familiar thought patterns, familiar environment, the familiar association that had created and maintained the circumstance.
  • Deceptive: It gives a false sense of security.
  • Crowded: It’s where the mass of average people live because it is convenient.


–           Exciting: Because the “big picture” thinking unleashes creativity.

–           Enlarging: It causes you to continually stretch your potential as your capacity expands the level of abundance keeps on increasing.


–           Challenging: It makes you grow inwardly to conquer the obstacles.

–           Rewarding: You attract an ever-increasing reward as you soar in the limitless horizons of possibilities.

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