Mental DietMental Diet

MENTAL DIET: How To Align With The Laws Of Life

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The universe is governed by laws; to know and understand the laws of life is to know and understand how life works.

The law of Cause and Effect states, “Everything happens for a reason; for every effect, there is a specific cause”

Things don’t just happen—everything is made to happen. In other words, there are no accidental occurrences in the universe. We are living in a divinely ordered universe. For anything to happen by chance in the universe, the universe must be in a state of chaos, which is impossible.

Results exist because actions are made. Effects are the product of specific cause(s). There is always the “why” behind the “what” that happened whether we are aware of it or not. Therefore, to change the results of our lives the actions that caused it must be changed. This explains the causal relationships among events.

We can safely say, that the results of our lives: achievements, wealth, happiness, prosperity, relationship harmony, and business success are all the products either directly or indirectly of specific causes or actions.

To clarify the result, you want is to be able to identify and attract what to do and how to do what to do to get the right or desired result. In essence, input leads to output; sowing precedes reaping.

The seeds of our lives are thoughts, words, and deeds that produce the fruits or results of our lives. However, thoughts are the primary creative forces of life. Everything principally came to be by thought energy.

Your world is framed by the way you think. Your world is changed by what you say or speak. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it through your thought processes. People, situations, or events have the meaning you assign to them.

Your life is a reflection of what you think about most of the time. In essence, you become what you think about most of the time.


It’s not what happens to you but rather it is what happens in you that determines your response. In essence, it is not about the situation or event rather it is about how you think about what happens to you that determines how you feel and react. The world within you forms the condition of your life.

How you interpret the world around you and what happens to you are continuously shaping everything you are and become.

You have the freedom to choose how you interpret experiences in a way that will enable you to respond constructively and effectively arousing the emotions of optimism and happiness instead of derailing into negativity.

The events around you affect or shape the thoughts within you.

Action Plan:

What changes are you making beginning from the thought level to elevate and improve the quality of your life or some part of your life?

Examine the results in each area of your life: your family, your health, your work, your financial situation, in the light of what you think, say, feel, and do.

Think about what you are thinking about. In essence, how are your thoughts, words, and deeds in each area of life causing, creating, and maintaining the situation around you?

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