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MENTAL DIET: The Secret of Successful Selling Exposed (Part 2)

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“Character is the salesman stock-in-trade. It is he who must first sell himself. Truthfulness, enthusiasm, and patience are great assets. The product itself is secondary.”

  • George Mathew Adams.

Are you struggling with making sales? Do you feel that people do not buy into your offering as you want them to? Do you frequently encounter a price conflict with your prospects and believe the product price is the obstacle?

Successful selling begins with you. You must be absolutely sold on you. Self-doubt only doubles the rate of failure. A self-defeating mindset only makes you fit to lose the sale. Self-knowledge is key to selling successfully.

Never play the victim if you want to become a champion at selling. Never give in to excuses if you desire to increase your sales. You must keep your mindset trained to work for you in the selling process rather than against you.

The 6 Vital Qualities of Successful Salespersons:

  1. Integrity
  2. Be Sold on Your Product
  3. Skill
  4. People Knowledge
  5. A Desire to Serve
  6. A Desire to Genuinely Help
  1. Integrity:

Integrity simply means integrated – the same inside-out. In essence, integrity means that your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values, and actions are in alignment.

Acting one way and thinking another induces stress and initiates failure. Speaking one way and feeling another lowers your self-esteem and sabotages long-term success. Doing one thing and believing another crushes your capacity to keep growing you and your sales.

You get burned out when you get worked up by the discrepancies within. Anyone who does business with you wants the whole truth from you.

Do you withhold necessary information from a prospect because of the fear of losing the sale if he or she gets to know about it? Do you misrepresent the facts thereby misleading prospects to buy your products? Do you misrepresent what you know about your competitor’s product to make the sale?


Become a person of integrity and sell with integrity. Let your words match your actions and your beliefs in alignment with your behavior.

  • Be Sold on Your Product:

To succeed at selling you must be thoroughly informed about your product. Until you are sold on your product you will struggle to make sales. Until you are sold on you, you will habitually lose the sale.

Product knowledge makes you believe in your product. Take the time to learn about your product – adequate knowledge is key.

You must believe in the product that you are promoting. How much time do you schedule daily to know or grow in the knowledge and understanding of your business? Do you use your product? You can’t really sell a product that you have not used or applied to your life and experienced the benefits whatever it is.

You must love what you do and do what you love. You must develop an understanding and confidence in what you are doing.

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