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MENTAL DIET: The Secret Of Successful Selling Exposed (Part 3)

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It’s what’s in you that will make your sales go up and stay up progressively.

Success leaves clues. Learn from the best in your field to perform your best and attract higher rewards.  Follow the leaders who have mastered their craft to become top performers and emerge leaders in your field.

The 6 Vital Qualities of a Successful Salesperson:

In the previous article we’ve dealt with two vital qualities of a successful salesperson:

  1. Integrity
  2. Be Sold on Your Product
  1. Heighten Your Skills

You must deepen your knowledge base and heighten your skills to raise your capacity.

You must identify your key skill areas, and analyze and assess them to develop and improve on them.

Key Skill Areas in Sales

Prospecting, establishing rapport, identifying problems, presenting solutions, answering objectives, closing sales, getting resales, and referrals from satisfied clients.

  • People/Customer knowledge

To make the sale you must be genuinely interested in your prospects. To sell learn to listen to your prospect with focused attention to really understand and know their needs or what they want. When you listen deeply to your prospect, client, or customer to know and understand what they want to adequately meet their needs you show that you deeply care about them and credibility or trust is established. 


The Four Major Motivations for Buying:

  1. The Body:

Clothing, shelter, food, protection and security

  1. The Heart:

To love, and be loved; to be respected and treated kindly.

  1. The Mind:

Ability to think and problem solve; develop talents and skills.

  1. The spirit:

Capacity to find meaning. Focus and contribution through our work and life.

  • Blaine Lee.
  • A Desire to Serve People

As a salesperson, your motive should be to convey benefit and to serve.

The height of selling is to offer the best of service. To serve is to covey benefit to another. However, be skillful in service. The level of skill you bring to bear in your service determines the level of reward you attract.

When you keep heightening your skill in serving people in ways that meet their deepest needs or fulfill their grandest desires you become indispensable.

When people want what we have to offer we can utilize the opportunity to upsell them by giving them greater value more value, or benefit while adding to the price of the purchase. In essence, we serve them into wanting more and paying more.

When you close the deal open up your commitment to serve your clients or customers for the long-term.

  • A Desire to Genuinely Help People:

Nobody wants to be sold everybody wants to be helped.

A desire to genuinely help is possessing a giving heart.

Giving and Serving are the dual combined language that your prospect or people understand and connect with. Essentially selling is about helping people.

Giving is not synonymous with giving a product or service away for free or at a low price which you can do if you want to.

Giving entails:

  • Giving your best attitude
  • To pay full and uninterrupted attention to your prospect from the beginning to the end of the meeting.
  • Giving the best of your energy
  • Giving the highest level of service possible.
  • Looking for ways to make people or your prospects feel special.
  • Taking the initiative to go the extra-mile route to amaze your customers or clients you will be initiating sales and initializing success.
  • Give them all of the information or options they require.

Help your customers solve problems associated with the use of your product and you will open doors that welcome future sales.

A service-oriented attitude magnetizes sales, based on the understanding that each individual is extremely valuable as a human being and should be treated as special.

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