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MENTAL DIET: The Secret of Successful Selling Exposed!

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Life is a domain of business and we are all salespeople. Where there is human interaction selling takes place. You are either influencing someone or someone is trying to influence you to buy an idea, an opinion, a dream, a product, a service, or a solution. In essence, when influence successfully occurs sales have taken place.

Selling Defined:

  1. Selling is the ability to make known your faith, goods, or propositions to a person or persons to a point of creating a desire for a privilege, an opportunity, a possession, or an interest.
  • Selling is the ability of professional and public persons to render services, assistance, and cooperation to a point of creating a desire on the part of the people to remunerate, recognize, and honor.
  • Selling is the ability to perform work, duties, and services as an employee, to a point of creating a desire on the part of an employer to remunerate, promote, and praise.
  • Selling is the ability to be polite, kind, agreeable, and considerate to a point of creating a desire upon the part of those you meet to respect, love, and honor you.
  • Selling is the ability to write, design, paint, invent, create, compose, or accomplish anything to a point of creating a desire upon the part of others to acclaim its possessors as heroes, celebrities, and persons of greatness.  
  • Jean Beltrand.

The common denominator in making high sales or being highly successful in sales is the ability to create a desire in others to willingly want your value, pay for your offering, or cooperate with you in some way to accomplish your purpose.

The ability to sell successfully is your willingness to give the best version of yourself to serve and help people or your prospects. Before you can receive you must give first and the quality of what you provide both in your offering or value and much more in the level of service you offer will determine the reward level you will attract.

Therefore, if your focus is on getting what you want from people and you really do not care about them and what they want then you will habitually lose the sale or struggle through life.

What Selling Is About:

  • Selling is an opportunity to give value or benefit to another.
  • Selling is not about getting what you want from another but rather it is about giving value to others which they want and in turn, they willingly give you what you want.
  • Selling is an avenue for service

People are willing to pay higher not just for the best product that meets their needs but much more for the best service obtained.


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