Mental DietMental Diet

MENTAL DIET: How To Unlock The Benefits Of Cultivating The Ideal Mindset

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“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  ”

  • Paul the Apostle.

“Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts.”

–           Benjamin Disraeli.

When you change your thinking, in the process of time your thinking will change you – You become an entirely different person altogether producing different results in the affairs of life. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thinking.

The human mind was not designed to run wild and become busy with fear, anxiety, worry, etc; for the mind to function maximally it must be calm, quiet, serene, and alert. This can only be achieved with the ideal mindset.


Without peace of mind, whatever “success” anyone acquires is a mirage. Peace of mind is the greatest value determinant of a quality life. Living contrary to the ideal thought qualities erodes peace of mind despite having the superficial things of life. When moral conscience is defied, peace of mind is denied.

When you value your peace of mind you won’t deliberately engage in actions that disrupt the peace of mind of another. Consequently, peace of mind breeds harmony in all human relationships at all levels of life. And where harmony exist progress is made. Without peace of mind, life cannot be enjoyed but endured.

The quality of your accomplishments in life is measured on the scale of your peace of mind. Consequently, success becomes an illusion without peace of mind.



The ideal mindset is the flow of positive energy; illness and disease cannot thrive in a body completely charged with positive energy. Medical science has asserted that most of the illnesses or diseases in human lives are emotionally induced. Living degrades to nothing without health and energy.  

Functioning in the ideal mindset in addition to eating nutritious food or diet, physical exercise, rest and relaxation promotes perfect health. The ideal mindset is an embodiment of positive energy and love energy which produces healthy body systems and revamps physical energy. Therefore, functioning in the ideal mindset produces health and energy.

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