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“…whatever is true,  whatsoever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things (fix your minds on them)

–     Paul the Apostle.

Be careful of what you think for therein lies the outcome of your entire life.

To cultivate the ideal mindset you must engage in Mediatation.


Meditation means to think on, ponder upon, and mutter to oneself or picture in the mind. Meditation is concentrating your thoughts on a particular subject matter until you become soaked up with insight and revelation; you become saturated with understanding that births wisdom. The peak of meditation is Truth revealed and oneness with Truth. Meditation is dwelling in thought upon an object of focus and whatever you dwell upon you bring about. Moments of meditation are moments of creation.

Unfortunately, many people use their minds to meditate on the wrong things. consequently, they engage in the wrong actions; make the wrong choices and their lives goes in the wrong direction. Meditation in itself is not strange to us. Whenever we are worried or anxious we are engaging in meditation – we are meditating on the problem. We conform into whatever we meditate upon; whatever fill our minds will fill our lives. In other words, we become more like whatever we meditate upon. If we meditate on poverty, we become poor; if we meditate on wealth we become wealthy irrespective of the economic climate; if we meditate on selfish and base desires we become selfish and corrupt; if we meditate on purity and excellence we manifest nobility and excellence. It is obvious that we all do meditate either unconsciously or consciously.

Create daily solitude time to meditate. If you meditate daily and intensely on the qualities of the ideal mindset you begin to create their manifestations in your actions and way of life.


“This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth,  but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good successs.”

  • Joshua

The statement above affirms the Power of Meditation to:

  • To engage in the Right Actions.
  • To Make Your Way Prosperous.
  • To Deal Wisely in the domain of life.
  • To Have Good Success. 

Effective meditation on Timeless Truths of life will create the manifestations of the above in your life. That means effective meditation is not done in a vacuum; you must engage in reading – The Bible, books and materials that are positive,  good, clean and relevant to life. As you reflect on what you are reading, you begin to mutter the Truths or Principles to permeate your entire being.

Deepened spirituality is the product of intensified meditation. Meditation is actually a spiritual practice, where the invisible is created and ends up producing the visible reality. In actuality, the visible emanated from the invisible. In other words, the visible is the manifestation of the invisible. To manifest impeccable conduct and a great life, you must get to creating it in your mind through the process of meditation.

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